An Important Message From J&D To You

With the on going COVID-19 pandemic around the globe and the major impact it is having in the United States, specifically New York State, I would like to tell everyone we are taking the proper precautions and preventative action.

I take the health and safety of myself, employee, customers, and family very seriously and will continue to do follow ups on the NYS & CDC guidelines and regulations. Hopefully everything that is going on in the world and our beautiful country will be resolved as soon as it possibly can!

If you have any questions please feel free to give me a call anytime between 8am-5pm Monday-Friday. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this uneasy time. Stay healthy, safe, and united and don't forget to to learn about our extended March Door sale and our current April sale with great incentives and offers.

- David M. Broomhall, Jr. || Owner/Operator

For more information and up to date news on the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, we ask that you click the visit the C.D.C. , W.H.O. , and New York State sites.